Labour need to stop believing their own bullshit | So finally John
McDonnell has admitted today that, should Labour under his covert leadership
behind the puppet Corbyn lose the General Elections, him and Corbyn would quit. Now, at first sight, this is great news, because it means
that, at best, the country has only about 4 years of these two left. Better than
having to wait for years until the God Emperor Corbyn dies, right? However it also means that Corbyn and McDonnell ( because “who’s
in charge of Labour” is becoming a rather difficult question) are willing to
risk the country having another 5 years of Tories than give up on their
megalomaniacal dreams. They’re willing to harm the country for a too narrow to
see without a microscope chance they might actually win a GE. Because , let’s get this out of the way. A Corbyn led Labour has as many chances to win a general
election as Hillary Clinton has to spout wings.
It is the left ideology of the past decades who insisted on
mass immigration towards Europe without any concern for the needs of the actual
Europeans or whether bringing in masses of people of vastly different cultures
and a significantly lower of civilization was a good idea. The message is clear, but like all parties moored in old and
rotten dogmatism of any kind, labour refuses to accept it. It blamed the 2015
fiasco on the SNP and Ed Miliband, without for one second wondering how come
the austerity party that they claim everybody hates has managed to do better in
2015 than it did in 2010. But besides the general anti left reaction of the mass core
of voters, Labour has a very serious problem of ideology. Basically, Labour has fallen into the trap of buying its own
bullshit. The Trotskyite argument that “none of these countries had actual
socialism so it doesn’t matter that they failed” might sound nice for the young
and naïve or the old guard whose place is under the deck of the Black Pearl
more than in the public domain, but the average Joe is getting smarter. He’s
seen the disaster that unfettered socialism and insane welfare made of Greece,
he’s heard about the Venezuelans eating their own pets because starvation, and
the smarter ones have even heard of the ongoing economic disaster in Basil and
the slow and agonizing failure of Argentina. Contrary to what Jeremy Corbyn and his cult believes, the
public doesn’t care about Iraq anymore. 13 years is an eternity. But people who
do remember also remember that Saddam was a monster that was killing his people
for fun, and the smarter of the lot also realize that blaming Tony Blair in
2003 for not having known what we know in 2016 is idiotic. The Chilcott report
might have piled all the fault on Blair, but in the age of the Internet it
didn’t take people long to notice its dishonesty and inconsistency- regardless of whether or
not Blair is the younger brother of Beelzebub he really couldn’t have predicted
that the next US president would be a moron of such epic proportions that he’d
pull US troops out of Iraq and leave it open to islamists. However this is not about Tony Blair. This is about Jeremy
Corbyn and his lunacy. Because their concerns are different, because the world has
changed and Jeremy doesn’t even know who they are. Today’s working class bought their council homes under
Thatcher, or their parents did, go to college and are no longer the resigned
working class socialism always preyed on. Today’s working class is aspirational. If they don’t have
their own house they want one, their world is open by the new media, and they
refuse to see themselves as victims. And Jeremy Corbyn doesn’t know them. He knows those with too
much time on their hands who believe themselves as activists and those
dependent on welfare, but not the ones who want the system to work. But labour refuses to listen to them. Not one of the labour leaders
has addressed the study that shows the lower 20% percentile are suffering because
immigration is taking their jobs and reducing their quality of life. Labour don’t know who their voters are, and this is why they’re
losing and will continue to lose.
This sort of announcement shows how utterly short sighted
the current Labour leadership is. In a
move that’s very hard to believe is not an underhanded attack on Owen Smith who
used to work in Communications for Pfizer, Corbyn is literally taking out his
hysterical and impotent anger out on the entire field. This is insanity of Saddam Hussein level albeit I believe
Corbyn might take it as a compliment, considering his sympathy for all things
tyrant. The man who quoted Enver Hodxa at a Labour Christmas party is not someone who dislikes tyranny,
it’s someone who admires it- which happens with most people with such deep
inferiority complexes. And Corbyn’s inferiority complexes are obvious. Here’s a man
who never did achieve anything actually special in 33 years of being an MP
asides from backstabbing and attacking each and every leader he worked with, who
voted with the Tories more than he voted with his own party and who now finds
himself in a seat of power he deeply knows he doesn’t deserve, and is therefore
hanging onto it with the skin of his teeth. The people working with him all agree that his performance
as a leader is awful- from firing those who disagreed with him to making David Cameron
look good by comparison, to the inability to make decisions and blunders so
spectacular they’d be ridiculous if they weren’t so awful. This is why the actual working people- both the middle aged ones and the young aspirational
class reject him. Because he’s the embodiment of a bad boss, the one we all had
and hate. It’s easy to admire a politician that says what you want to
hear from afar, but those closer to him get to see him picking his nose, get to
hear him lying and yes, familiarity breeds contempt. But who else knows us better than those close to
us?? That being said, I
don’t really find Owen Smith that convincing either. Labour needs more than just a coat of paint, but at least Smith
looks like someone who’s competent enough to provide a quality opposition until
such a time comes that Labour can win general elections again. BY choosing Corbyn labour will be confiding themselves to the
history’s garbage heap. By voting Smith they borrow a bit more time to get
their house in order. But a change is needed. |
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